WhatsApp has taken some serious action against its unofficial alternatives like YoWhatsApp and WhatsApp plus. WhatsApp plus is just a customizable mod to WhatsApp which allows us to customize the interface. WhatsApp has taken this step as the growth of WhatsApp Plus was increasing day by day and WhatsApp Plus was using WhatsApp’s Name without its permission.
It is confirmed that WhatsApp has firmly decided to kill WhatsApp Plus. As many users are using WhatsApp Plus, WhatsApp just decided to temporary ban it’s users for 24 hours. If you don’t uninstall WhatsApp Plus within a particular span of time it may lead to a permanent ban.
Read – How to Use WhatsApp on web
Recently this morning when I was trying to access WhatsApp Plus I got the following message. If you are a WhatsApp Plus user you may get this popup frequently:
Why I am banned from using WhatsApp Plus?
According to the WhatsApp :
How to Solve You are Temporarily Banned From WhatsApp?
Its quite simple, WhatsApp developers don’t want their clients to use the unofficial version as it might risk your privacy. So this issue can be easily fixed by uninstalling WhatsApp Plus and switching back to the original WhatsApp.
So just back up all your conversations by going in WhatsApp Plus Settings – and select Backup Conversation.
After backing up your conversation uninstall WhatsApp plus. After uninstalling WhatsApp Plus go to play store and install the official version of WhatsApp.
Note – If you can’t access WhatsApp Plus then just directly uninstall WhatsApp Plus and install the official version of WhatsApp.
Please stop temporarily banned from WhatsApp