Best Dragonflight Talent Calculator: World of Warcraft

In their 9th edition of World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment reworked a big part of the talent system. The whole concept is now returning to the talent tree approach. Let’s discover what changes have been made and how the World of Warcraft Dragonflight Talent Calculator works.

Previously, talents were focused on enhancing the existing class abilities. However, now players have the option to build their class from scratch, providing numerous unique avenues for character development. While basic class functions still exist, players have more freedom to customize and shape their in-game character.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight Talent Calculator

Earning And Spending Talent Points

At level 10, characters can unlock talent trees and specialization options. Initially, players receive a single Class point, which they can allocate towards either Class or Specialization abilities. As they level up, they receive additional points, alternating between Class and Specialization points for each level gained.

Evokers are the only ones who can gain access at the beginning. The character has two trees to fill, for Class (31 points at max level) and Specialization (30 points). As you level, you have to choose your own path rather than passively learning different spells.

As you can see below, talent trees now have multiple rows and nodes of varying shapes.

  • Square nodes are active abilities
  • Octagonal nodes are multiple-choice talent
  • Circle nodes are passive effects

Talents can be changed on the fly without resting.

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Multiple-Rank Talents

There are currently only passive effects with multiple ranks for talents with multiple ranks. These require additional points to be spent each rank.

To progress further down the tree from this node, you must purchase all available ranks of a multi-rank talent.

Shadowlands Legendary Power or Covenant Ability and Talent Overlap

The actual ability or power of a Shadowlands Covenant ability or Legendary power overrides the talent version. You cannot cast multiple versions of the same spell, nor stack Legendary Power effects.

Talent loadouts

A talent loadout system is available to assist players in selecting the most suitable talents. This system enables the switching of different talent trees and provides up to 10 customizable loadouts with unique names. 

Notably, talent trees built for specific specializations will only be visible for that particular specialization. Therefore, if the available loadouts are full, it may go unnoticed, and players may need to switch specializations and delete an existing loadout to create a new one.

Gaining Talent Points in Dragonflight

With each level gained, you will receive 1 talent point, alternating between a class point for your Class Tree and a specialization point for your Specialization Tree.

During the pre-patch phase at Level 60, players will be able to distribute 51 talent points between their Class and Specialization Trees, with 26 points available for their Class tree and 25 points for their spec tree. Upon reaching the maximum level of 70 in Dragonflight, players will gain an additional 10 talent points, bringing the total to 61, with 31 points available for their Class tree and 30 points for their spec tree.

Several basic abilities are automatically given to certain specializations in the class tree. These abilities cost no points.

Changing Talents in Dragonflight

In the new talent system, changing talents is now free and does not require being in a Rested Area or using tomes. However, you cannot change talents in combat, Mythic+ runs, and PvP matches.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight talent calculators

A talent tree calculator is a good way to help you plan your character. A number of them are available on the internet, including Wowhead’s, which is one of the most popular, but it’s not the only one. Icy-veins has one as well, and there are some open-source versions on GitHub as well.

How To Save Different Talent Set-Ups?

For different types of content, you might want different talents, and you can save different profiles for different builds.

You can save your current talents by selecting New Loadout from the bottom left corner of the talent tree and naming it whatever you like. You can switch to that profile whenever you like, provided you are in a rest area.

If you select Share from the drop-down menu, you can copy and paste your talent data to Notepad, which you can use for backing up the loadout or sharing it with friends. Importing talents allows you to paste the data and name the set-up too if you want to copy someone else’s talents.

Lastly, the search option is useful if you can’t find a specific talent. Simply start typing the name in the search box and choose it from the list. Hit enter, and a magnifying glass will pinpoint its location.

Himangi Lohar
Himangi is passionate about keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of technology. In her free time, she indulges her interests in neuroscience and art.



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