Facebook lets its users delete their accounts in Facebook due to a wide array of reasons. You may delete your account if you feel very distracted by the social media app, or you may even have certain privacy concerns regarding the use of your private data.
Taking into consideration these factors, if you decide to delete your Facebook account and then have a change of mind about it, you can surely recover the account, thanks to Facebook.
Once you have recovered your formerly deleted account, you can easily get back in contact with your friends, colleagues or relatives.
Facebook is a very addictive social media platform in which users spend hours and hours together without keeping track of the time. For your sake, Facebook has the option of letting users change their minds about revoking their account deletion requests.
Facebook stores all of the account deletion requests for a certain period of time in case you want to delete your Facebook account.
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How to Recover a Permanently Deleted Account?
Even after you successfully delete your Facebook account, there is a simple way to restore it without any sort of issues. All you have to do is follow the steps below:
Step 1: Visit facebook.com on your desktop.
Step 2: Enter your correct account username and password
Step 3: Once the username and password have been entered, click on the login button in order to get in control of your Facebook account. This process must be done within 30 days of you deleting your account.
Step 4: Once you enter your username and password and log in to Facebook, you will get two options to choose from, confirm the deletion, or cancel the deletion. You need to obviously click on the cancel deletion option.
Step 5: By pressing the cancel deletion button, you can easily get your deleted account back from Facebook quickly without any issues.
You can now start using your account in all the normal ways you used to do previously. All the posts, photos and videos you made through your account will be left as it is.
There are certain instances through which you might even be asked to verify your identity. You can do so by identifying your friends on Facebook by looking at their photos.
Another option in this is that you may be asked to provide your date of birth or answer a particular security question that was set by you during your initial account creation process.
Read: 2 Ways to Turn Off Friend Suggestions on Facebook
Recovering Your Deleted Facebook Account after 14 Days
The new update brought down by the Facebook developers, allows the users to retrieve their deleted Facebook account, 30 days after its deletion as well. The grace period, which was previously set to 14 days, has now been extended to a month.
What this means for the users is that, when you delete your Facebook account, you have 30 days to reverse your decision in case you change your mind.
According to Facebook, a lot of users have previously tried to retrieve their account after the old grace period of 14 days had ended. Taking this into consideration, Facebook increased their grace period to 30 days from the earlier set time of 14 days.
Hence the users will now have to wait for the month to elapse in order to ensure that the account permanently disappears along with all their data in it.
Difference between Deactivating and Deleting a Facebook Account
There are certainly some significant differences between Deactivating and Deleting your Facebook account. If you just deactivate your account, you can easily reactivate it whenever and wherever you want without any sort of restrictions.
Your friends and other Facebook users won’t be looking at your profile on the timeline or even if they search for you. Only certain limited information would be visible to them such as the messages, and attachments that have been there in the chat.
None of your posts or any data will be deleted from your profile. Even if you have deactivated your Facebook account, you will still be able to use the messenger. On the other hand, in case you delete your Facebook account you will not be able to recover it if the grace period of 30 days has passed.
Read: How to Recover Disabled Facebook Account
However, other users and your friends will most definitely have access to all the messages you have sent and received from them. All the data of your account will be kept by Facebook for 90 days for you to access, after that your data will be permanently deleted from the servers of Facebook.
You will not be able to use any other applications that are associated with Facebook since you signed up for the social media platform once your account has been successfully deleted.
You will need to recover the data of the apps on a personal level from the respective providers.
So next time when you impulsively decide to delete your Facebook account, you can instead try and deactivate it first unless you are absolutely sure about your decision to delete it.
If you deactivate your account you have the chance to reactivate the account whenever and wherever you want.
I permanently got rid of my sons Fb profile page. He had already made me just a follower
How do I get his profile back???