Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a topic that’s difficult to get a definitive answer on. The broader discussion focuses on the ability of a computer to perform the same cognitive functions as the human mind, such as learning and problem-solving.
The global revenues for the AI market, including software, hardware, and services, are forecast to grow 19.6 percent (on year) in 2022 to $432.8 billion.
Every vision of the future is built upon a stack of assumptions about current trends and the direction those trends are taking. In relation to AI, 2022 is a year of breakthroughs across the board. Synthetic speech, voice recognition, and text-based conversational algorithms all came closer to matching our own intelligence.
Looking at current trends, it’s clear that voice AI will have an enormous impact. Voice AI will become a superpower for your business regarding customer engagement, marketing, and sales. It will give you the power to scale your business by allowing you to interact with an unlimited number of customers simultaneously in a personalized way.
While Voice AI may seem like just another tech buzzword to add to the pile of AI-enabled services like “Big Data” and “Cloud,” in reality, it’s poised to deliver some game-changing implications for your business in the not-too-distant future. Here’s why.
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Voice is Still the Number One Interface for AI
Voice will continue to grow as the preferred interface for AI because it’s easy to use, and it lets us interact with applications while doing other things.
The rise of voice as an interface has also made it easier for companies to interact with their customers. Instead of using a traditional call center, many businesses are now using AI-powered chatbots to reduce costs and improve customer service.
Voice is a very convenient interface that allows users to interact with AI in natural ways while driving, walking, or cooking. It also eliminates the need for training users since everyone speaks from birth.
While many experts still see chatbots as the way to interact with AI, chatbots may not be suitable for every type of application or user base (e.g., older generations). In addition, voice assistants can bring AI applications to everyone without needing any training.
Voice Technology integration in Text-to-Speech Synthesis Software
The new trend in voice AI is AI text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis software, which converts written text into audio messages that sound natural and human-like. In addition to being used on smart speakers, TTS applications can also be found on websites, mobile apps, and even robotics platforms.
Text-to-speech synthesis is the key for AI to become an integral part of our lives. It will allow us to communicate with AI through a keyboard or a touch screen and our voices. We will be able to talk to our AI assistants as if they were human.
Text-to-speech synthesis software can help you automate your work and increase productivity by saving time to focus on more critical tasks at hand. You can use text to speech software for eLearning, presentations, documents, online articles, news feeds, emails, eBooks, etc.
Voice Technology Will Become More Bionic
Voice-powered technology is already in our homes and workplaces in the form of devices like Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri. But this is just the beginning. In the coming years, we’ll see an explosion of AI-powered devices beyond the digital assistants we use today.
Consider how much of your life revolves around talking to people. Now think about how much money you spend each month on those conversations. Most people would rather talk than type – it’s faster, easier, and more convenient – but voice technology has historically been too expensive for widespread adoption.
That’s why so many people still use computers or smartphones to make calls instead of landlines or cell phones: It’s simply cheaper.
Voice assistants are expected to become “more bionic” and show more emotion in their tone and the ability to understand sarcasm and possess a sense of humor.
They will also begin to sound less robotic and more conversational. For example, people already ask Alexa, “What do you think about this?” or “How do you feel about that?” As a result, devices now need to be able to respond to real-life emotions accordingly.
Voice Bots Will Continue to Make Inroads Into the Consumer Market
Voice bots will continue to make inroads into the consumer market. We’re at a tipping point here as well: voice interfaces have reached a critical mass of quality and market penetration, and services like Amazon’s Alexa are facilitating adoption by lowering barriers to entry for developers. Many companies are making money with voice, and we’ll see many more do so over the next few years.
Bots are the new apps, and bot platforms are the new app stores. Bots replace apps, not websites. They’re the primary way users now interact with some services.
Voice-activated interfaces are not a panacea for all human-machine interactions. However, the benefits of voice may be particularly suited for the Internet of Things (IoT) and the technologies we surround ourselves with.
The ability to ask what you want from an object is intuitive, easy, and fast. For example, it seems silly that you should go through several steps on your smartphone to turn on your TV or dim the lights in a room when you can say “turn on the TV” or “dim lights” to accomplish the same task effortlessly.
Voice-based Interfaces Will Become the Standard for Many Industries
Voice interfaces are inherently more straightforward and intuitive than text and keyboard-based systems. As voice recognition technology improves to match human capabilities, it will gradually replace graphical user interfaces (GUI) in nearly all areas of life.
Given the simplicity of voice-based natural language processing (NLP), we can safely predict that voice interfaces will become the standard for interacting with AI in many industries.
We’ll see more companies adopting voice-based interfaces as a standard way to interact with their customers. We’ll also see more developers providing solutions for building voice-based interfaces for their products.
We already see a lot of interest from companies in the healthcare, retail, and education industries in voice-based interfaces. Hospitals, for example, are looking for ways to improve patient experience through mobile apps. Retailers are also testing voice assistants to help customers find items on the shelf or place orders.
As automotive companies incorporate artificial intelligence into their products, voice-based interfaces will also become more critical. We believe that within five years, every new car will have some form of AI system embedded within it.
Wrapping Up
AI voice tech is trending, and it’s helpful to stay informed about what’s coming up shortly.
In addition, it’s important to note that Voice AI is not just about Alexa and Siri but about how companies can use speech recognition to improve their products. We’re still at the beginning of this trend, but voice AI will be integrated into more and more applications and devices over time.