How to Change Instagram Icon in iOS and Android

Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications available on the internet. Instagram is a unique social media platform with certain unconventional yet fun features available.

A particular user can post stories, posts and reels on Instagram for their followers to look at. There are a lot of celebrities available on Instagram as well which the users can follow and remain updated on their day-to-day activities. There are a lot of other fun accounts to follow as well.

Now there are a lot of customisation options available on Instagram, however, one major issue is about the Instagram icon being customised. A lot of users are confused as to how one can customise an icon. 

Why Should You Change The Instagram Icon

An Instagram icon is visible as a shortcut on both the home screens of IOS and Android. A lot of people want complete control over how things should look on their home screen and taking into consideration these claims one should be aware of the procedure on how to change the Instagram icon on both IOS and Android devices.

The unique Instagram icons look cool for a lot of users and putting them on would revamp one’s home screen experience. Below mentioned are the methods using which one can easily change their Instagram icons without any hassles. 

How to Change Your App Icons on iPhone or iPad?

Please note that you need to update your IOS to the latest version in order to ensure that the below-mentioned steps work properly for your device without any major hassles. This is how one can change the Instagram icon by using the IOS shortcuts application: 

  1. Firstly you need to open the Shortcuts application from your home screen on your iPhone or iPad and then press or tap on the Plus button (+). This particular plus button is available in the upper right corner of the respective application on IOS devices. 
  2. Once you have pressed the Plus button on the application, you need to press on the Next Action Suggestions option and then select the Open App button on the application of the shortcut. Sometimes if the user cannot see the Open App option, one can find it respectively by tapping on the Add Action button and by typing Open App in the search bar respectively. 
  3. After going through these options you need to tap on App and then scroll down and select the Instagram application through the plethora of other app options available. 1shortcutplusopenapp En3MQ
  4. After selecting Instagram, you need to press on the three-dotted lines that are available in the upper right corner of the shortcuts app. 
  5. You now need to tap on the Add to Home Screen option. 
  6. Under the option of Home screen name and icon, you need to tap on the image icon in order to choose an image for the icon on Instagram. 2appinstatheedots 6a Ba1NT
  7. Now you need to select the option of taking Photo, Choose Photo or Choose file in order to add your image as an icon. 
  8. Then when asked in the New Shortcut field, you need to type Instagram or any other name as per your preference. 3takechoosefile 2f58 LEgSK
  9. Now in the upper right corner, tap on the Add option. 4newshorcutinstagram su4sU
  10. Now in the final step, you need to finally hide the original application icon of Instagram from the Home screen. For this all you need to do this press and hold the icon and then select Remove App>>Remove From Home Screen 5selectappremoveapp CWm3J  

How to Change Your Instagram App Icon on Android Phone?

On the Android Operating System, a particular user must be using a Third-Party Application to change the icon of Instagram or any other application. The application used in this context is the X Icon Changer. This particular application is free but it supports advertisement. 

  1. Firstly download and install the X Icon Changer from Google Play in order to move on to the further steps. 
  2. Now go to the home screen of your phone. In this particular press and hold the background which would allow you the option to choose Widgets. 
  3. Scroll down below in the Widgets Section and select the X Icon Changer widget. 1 1
  4. Once the user selects the X Icon Changer widget, you now need to press and hold on to the X Icon Changer icon. 
  5. After the home screen appears, the user needs to drag the icon and the icon should be let go wherever required. 
  6. After placing the icon correctly you need to locate the Instagram app and tap on it. 2 1
  7. Now once you have tapped on Instagram, you need to choose a new shortcut to tap OK on it.  There are a plethora of options available on the app, you can either choose one among them or add your own downloaded icon. 
  8. After choosing the new icon, it can be visible on the home screen. Now in order to remove the original Instagram icon from the home screen of the respective Android device, you need to press and hold on to the icon and then either choose the Remove from Home option or drag the icon to the visible trash icon available on the phone. 3

This is the primary method through which a particular user can customise the icon of Instagram both on Android as well as IOS/Apple devices on the go. A lot of people like to control every aspect of customisation and hence the icon variation for Instagram is of utmost importance for a lot of people out there.

The steps mentioned above are very easy to follow and free as well. Using the steps mentioned above you can easily change the icon of Instagram without any hassles.


Dhruv Thakker
Dhruv Thakker is an aspiring lawyer. He is a sports enthusiast and likes watching F1, Football and Reading in his free time.


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