6 Best Packet Loss Testing Tools to Fix Packet Loss

Packet Loss is one of the most inhibiting factors when it comes to a stable network connection. This is the reason why most big companies and organizations invest in better internet connections and enhanced network connectivity to minimize packet loss and other deteriorating factors.

Having a constant packet loss can affect your workflow by introducing lags, freezes, and overall performance. Hence it is quite important to have a good packet loss testing solution to check for any discrepancies in your internet connection. If you know how to solve these problems, then you can easily keep your internet connection stable and working flawlessly. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the best apps and services to try for this purpose.

6 Best Packet Loss Testing Tools in 2021

Packet Loss Test


This app is one of the best options that you can try for the purpose of reducing jitter and diagnosing problems with your internet connection. Also, this tool is completely free to use and can be used directly from any browser regardless of the platform.

Also, this apps can test for various issues and help you to fix them. There is also a integrated speed test solution that can help you to determine if your ISP is providing the advertised speeds or not. Note that speed is not the only factor that determines whether your connection is stable or not.

This tool also uses WebRTC technology to check for latency, jitter, and packet loss solutions. Packet Loss Test is quite easy to use and provides an easy to use interface to use the various included tools.

Visit: Packet Loss Test

Paessler PRTG


This tool is a great option to diagnose packet loss problems and other issues that could affect an internet connection. This tool includes a QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip Sensor this is intended to check for packet loss issues and try to fix them.

It also includes many other sensors that measure the rate of overall packet loss and jitter on several devices. It can also monitor network traffic on websites and detect peak loads. Paessler PRTG also includes several other tools that allow you to continuously check for sudden network drops and other vital parameters regarding the device.

Get it here: Paessler PRTG



This tool is another great option to improve the overall performance of your network by testing packet loss and other degrading factors. With the included VNQM solution, this tool can determine the network conditions requires for the optimal working of VoIP delivery. SolarWinds is quite easy to use with the well-designed dashboard, and should prove to be good solution for most users.

Also, with the various included data sources, you can always rely on this service to keep you updated with problems regarding jitter, latency, or noise on VoIP calls. The metric monitoring and constant data allow you to easily troubleshoot these problems. Overall, SolarWinds is one of the best solutions out there to mitigate packet loss problems.

Get it here: SolarWinds

EMCO Ping Monitor


EMCO Ping Monitor helps you to check the live status of your connections, including the upload/download speeds and the overall connection quality. This tool uses ICMP and determines the quality of several network factors, including latency, ping, jiter, and packet loss. Once the tests are complete, you are presented with well-laid out information about various quality and state characteristics.

The special performance engine included with this tool is also great for monitoring over 8000 hosts with a precision of 0.01 ms. This tool has great integration with Windows and you can also define custom notifications for different issues.

The connection quality is presented to you in the form of a warning, which can range from good, critical, or bad. This tool is one of the few that can provide you with accurate real time statistics about your network conditions. These features make this tool worthy to be tried out.

Get it here: EMCO Ping Monitor



This tool is the best when you need to optimize several IPs to get the maximum bandwidth on each connection. This tool helps to modify several parameters, including buffers, different protocols, and timing values. THe test results can help you to diagnose your packet loss efficiency, bandwidth, and various similar parameters.

There are quite a few features in this tool that allow you to effectively check for live network statistics and measure bandwidth, MTU sizes, read sizes, and also socket buffers for TCP window size. UDP can easily calculate jitter issues. You can also set the target bandwidth for TCP and UDP protocols, and calculate the speed limits of your internet connection.

Get it here: iPerf3



In case you find the other packet loss monitoring tools on this list to be too complex, then you can always try out OpManager. This app offers a simplified UI and easy to use diagnosing tools that can report issues, if any, to the user. Also, there is a plethora of tools that allow you to manage packet loss with great efficiency.

OpManager is also convenient as there are apps available on most smartphones, including Android and iOS. This allows you to monitor packet loss on the go, and troubleshoot your internet connections from remote locations. OpManager also offers the ability to add multiple modules and add-ons that can extend the functionality of the app. The dashboard of this app is comprehensive and easy to use, and shows most of the metrics that you need to monitor for packet loss issues.

Get it here: OpManager


Packet loss can seem like a non-significant issue when it comes to a stable network connection, but it is quite important to minimize it as much as possible. The various tools and testing services listed in this article should allow you to easily diagnose potential problems and get them fixed. Some of the tools in this list can also help you to improve the overall stability of your internet connections. We hope you can choose the best option from this list that allows you to monitor your connections in the simplest and most efficient ways.


Soumya Deepta Sarkar
Soumya is a passionate tech enthusiast who loves to explore and experiment with the latest gadgets and technologies. In his free time, he like's gathering knowledge about the less-known things out there.



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