The Use of Navigation Apps in Modern World

In earlier days, travel was very tiring, unlike today. It took days and months to reach from one place to another. That is why people could not visit several places in their short lifetime. Maps were heavily used for navigation purposes in the ancient world. People used to take maps with them wherever they went. Maps have been existing for thousands of years on this earth. Every civilization mentions maps in their ancient history. However, being a piece of paper, maps had their disadvantages.

The biggest disadvantage of a map is its format. Earth being a 3D structure, it is almost impossible to represent it on a flat piece of paper. The paper maps were usually bad in quality and were vulnerable to getting destroyed by various means. Those maps could not indicate the time and exact distance. Everything on them was just an approximate measurement. Thus, it took a lot of effort to reach someplace in earlier days.

Advantages of Such Apps

The digital world provides various advantages to people these days. Navigation apps are one such very important facility. They help in various ways, like –

  • Genuine Information – Such navigation apps are very reliable in comparison to the age-old paper maps. They show you accurate directions and provides the fastest possible way to reach any destination. Their accuracy is their plus point.
  • Fast to use – These apps have a strong user interface and respond almost instantaneously. Thus, there is no wastage of time in finding the correct road.
  • Multi-featured – Other than giving the user information about the place and distance, these apps also provide multiple interesting features. For example, one can easily share his location with someone or can call for help in case of an emergency.
  • Easy to use – These apps are easy to use. Moreover, they are suitable to be used on mobiles, which can be carried easily wherever you go.

Steps to Use Them

These apps are intentionally designed to be user-friendly. Thus, one need not worry about using them. Let’s go through a few steps of using this app –


  • First, of all, choose the app you want to use. For example, there are several apps like Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps etc.
  • After you have chosen, download the app on your device from a reliable source. Make sure to download only the genuine version.
  • Install the app on your device. Create your account on it by filling up all the required details.
  • One requires to keep his GPS on for these apps to work. Keep this in mind. Now, just put your desired destination in the search bar. The app gives you the distance in between and the time it will take to reach there.
  • The app will also show the different modes of transportation one could use. Nobody should have a problem to find a place after such an easy explanation.

Technology has given us many boons. Navigation apps are surely one of them. Hence, we should not hesitate to use them for our benefit. If someone doesn’t know how to use them, they can follow online articles or videos for information. It is very easy and user-friendly.



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