Snapchat originally introduced the stories feature. There are so many fun things you can do with Snapchat. Snapchat story games are one of those things. You can play these snapchat games with other Snapchatters, especially your friends on Snapchat. If you want to know how to play them, this article is written especially for you.
Here you can find the most interesting Snapchat story games. You can play it with your friends, crush, or any other Snapchatter simply by using Snapchat’s “Story” feature.
Table of Contents
Fun Snapchat Story Games
Snapchat is one of the most widely used instant messaging and social media applications. It has more than 360 million active users in 2020. There are so many features in the app that are worth your time. You can chat with your friends, click on pictures with cool filters, keep pictures and download stories. Snapchat’s Stories feature lets you post more than just photos of your food, drinks, or your face with a dog filter.
You can play with your friends and other Snapchat fans using the Stories feature on Snapchat. These games are known as the “Snapchat Story Games”. These games are so versatile that you will never get bored. Here are the fun story games you can play to pass the time.
1. Questions about habits
Habit Questions is another Snapchat game that will help you get to know your friends better. In this game, you have to ask some questions like the one above about your story and the audience has to respond with their answers. This is how you both learn each other’s habits.
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2. Personal Poll Game
Personal Polling Game is a fun way to start and advance conversations with your friends or fall in love. In this game, you have to create a survey of your Snapchat history with personal questions. An example is available above. Then the viewer must respond with honest answers. You can also add your own questions in place of the ones shown above.
3. I may seem, but I’m actually …
It may seem like, but I’m actually making a fun Snapchat story game to get to know your friends better. In this game you have to post a story like an image above and your friends will react by choosing from the options offered. That way, both of them would know each other in detail.
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4. 15 Questions About You
15 Questions About You is a very interesting story game. You can play it on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, or any other app with a “story” function. All you have to do is post the photo above to your story and your friends will have to reply after filling in the blanks.
5. All About Me
All About Me is an amazing story game to find out who your true friends are. In this game, you have to post a story like this on Snapchat and your viewers have to respond with responses. This is how you know who knows more about you.
6. My crush
My Crush is a fun story game that will let you know the choices of your friends. You need to post the image above to your Snapchat story and viewers should respond after choosing the appropriate options.
7. I am not authorized …
“I must not …” is a fun game to find out how independent your friends are. All you have to do is upload a story like the one above and viewers have to respond with the things they can’t do.
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8. My Opinion On
My Opinion is a fun game to chat with your friends about different topics. In this game, you have to upload a story with several interesting topics like the previous one and the viewers have to respond with their opinions about it. So that you two can have a long and endless conversation.
9. ABC Challenge
ABC Challenge is a very interesting game. You must upload a story with questions from A to Z. Whoever sees the story must give you all the answers. That way, both of you will have time to chat.
10. Facts About Me
Facts About Me is another fun game that will allow you to meet your true friends. In this game, you have to download the story above. And your viewers must respond with their rating. Whoever has the correct answers knows you best. You can also add your own statements to the story.
11. Ask Any 3
Ask Any 3 is another very interesting story game. You can play it on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, or any other social app. All you have to do is upload a story with interesting questions about yourself. And whoever answers can only ask you 3 questions. You have to answer them honestly.
12. Cons Of Dating Me
Cons of Dating Me is an exciting game to try with the person you like. All you have to do is post a story with the above statements and your friends have to answer honestly. This will help you understand the downsides of dating that person.
13. Things I Find Attractive
Things that I find attractive is another fun game that you should know about the people you admire. You can play this game with them and find out what attracts them. Also, it helps you know how well that person knows your likes and dislikes.
14. Phone Tour
Phone Tour is one of the best Snapchat story games out there. In this game, you have to publish the story mentioned above, and everyone who sees it has to complete all the tasks mentioned in it. This game can be very interesting when played with the right person.
15. Yes, No, and Maybe
Yes, no and maybe it’s another fun story game. In this game, you have to download a story with multiple questions. Anyone who sees it has to answer yes, no, or maybe in response to the questions.
16. Post Stories
Post Stories is a very addictive story game. In this game, you have to post a story and whoever accepts the challenge has to post photos of everyone named in the story. Make sure you use the correct privacy settings while reading.
Done-Not Done is another fun game that will help you get to know the other person better. You need to download the story and whoever is viewing it will need to download the same story after marking the statements as “complete” or “incomplete”. You can also download the story by doing the same.
18. I am
I Am is the next fun story game to play with your friends. All you have to do is download the story by checking the properties you have. Whoever responds must download the story marking its characteristics.
19. Post-This-Post-That
Post-This-Post-That is a fun game that requires you to post a story with photos of all of the above. Whoever responds to your story automatically accepts the challenge and has to do the same.
20. Bonds
Bonds is a popular story game in which people learn about their friends’ ties. You should upload a story similar to the image above. So your friends should give them honest answers.
21. Number & Questions
Number & Questions is another very interesting game. All you need to do is post the photo shown above to your story. And whoever sees it has to answer with their number and answer all the questions. It is a fun game that often becomes a topic of conversation.
22. Post
“Post” is the best Snapchat story game that is often a lot of fun. All you have to do is post this image to your story and your friends who accept the challenge will have to post all the stories mentioned there. If she doesn’t, she owes you something.
Final Words
Snapchat is one of the most used social applications these days. Playing Snapchat Story Games is a fun way to pass the time. The best part is that you can make new friends and get to know your existing friends better. These are all amazing games that you can play with stories. If you know more, leave them in the comments below.
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