From sending a plain SMS text to WhatsApp today, the way we type messages evolved a lot, Unlike earlier, today we can express our feeling in a more funny and interactive way using emojis. The latest trends are using GIFs but Emojis are still in for frequent conversations.
We often make use of Emoji because they are quick to add and more expressive to the message receiver. When we can’t express things in words, Emoji helps! We usually use limited Emoji – Smile, Food, Vehicle, Laugh, and Cry but you’ll be amazed knowing that there are more than 1000 Emoji that turns your chatting experience more fun.
Chances are very less that you are knowing the meaning of all these emoji. So, today we have decided to share the meanings of all the widely used emoji that you must know for better communication.
Table of Contents
Face Emoji Meanings
Face Emoji is made out of various faces to express your emotions say happy, sad, laughing, smiling, or crying. Let us tell you what all these face emoji mean.
Happy Face
A happy Face is the one with a wide smile, full cheeks, and round eyes. You can send this to anyone whenever you want to show your happiness. I’m sure you’ll get 2 in return.
Cheerful Face
It is often confusing between a happy face and a cheerful face. Happy face should be shared for showing your good mood while this is the emoji you should use to express extra joy and too much happiness.
Laughing Tears Face
There are moments in life when you can’t stop laughing on weird jokes and double meaning friendly conversations and tears roll down from your eyes. This is the perfect emoji to send in those moments of a laugh.
Rolling on Floor While Laughing
A tilted laughing emoji with tears in eyes is used when you fall down on the floor laughing loud. These are the moments of PJ and one-liners when you can’t do anything but laugh.
Yawning Face
You’re bored or feeling sleepy, touch this yawning emoji with a hand closing mouth and eyes closed. This is the ultimate emoji to send in the comment box when you read something boring on Instagram or Facebook.
Heart on Eyes
Praise someone or something or to express love, nothing could be better than this emoji with two hearts in place of two eyes and mouth open in amazement.
Blowing Kiss Face
To express love, gratitude, admiration, cuteness, and support, you can send this emoji. It is often understood that this is used by the couples only but it can be used by anyone whom you want to share, you like it or support it.
Don’t say welcome or thank you but reply to any compliment and admiration with this emoji. The shy eyes and red cheeks are enough to show that you’re blushing.
Teasing Face
One can’t understand from a simple text that you’re kidding. So, it is good to add this emoji at the end of the text so that you can avoid the wars later on.
Loony Face
This emoji is for people who go outrageous and bizarrely funny at times. For showing your wacky mood, this emoji should be sent.
When you want to express that you’re sad, discouraged, and need some motivation in life, send this emoji to those friends and family that come up to cheer you up.
You can use this emoji to show that you’re confused, unhappy, and puzzled over something and can’t reach any conclusion.
This is the perfect emoji to describe the mixed feelings of grieved, unsatisfied, and disappointed. You can send this to someone whom you disagree with for showing your disagreement.
Read – 10 Best Emoji Apps For Android & iPhone
Hand Emoji Meaning
Sometimes Face emoji are not just enough to show everything. There is a wide variety of hand emoji and gestures to express your words briefly. Here we go with the list of widely used hand emoji gestures.
Pinching Hands
For showing small quantity or diminishing values, this emoji is used.
It is for showing strength, dominance, and power. This could be used in a situation when you need to express your power and strength.
Inder Finger Pointing Upside
Indicating the number one, asking doubt, and pointing God, this is the emoji that represents all such things.
Middle Finger Pointing Upside
It is for showing rude and swearing gesture when you’re pissed of something. For showing anger and warning someone, this is the right emoji you can use.
Victory Emoji
This is an epic symbol of raising an index finger and a finger next to it for showing the sign of victory. For getting a good score in exams or after winning a Football match, or something like that, you can make use of this emoji.
Fingers Crossed
When you want to sound hopeful and optimistic, this is the emoji to expect better luck and expecting good news.
A Palm
This is quite different from other emojis of the same type. You might be confused about what purpose this emoji could be used. Well, if you closely observe the emoji, it is a simple palm image where all the fingers are joint, unlike Vulcan Salute Emoji where there is a gap between the two middle fingers. This emoji is used for asking to stop or giving a high-five.
Appraising Hand Emoji
This is the ultimate emoji used for giving appreciation, encouragement, or simply saying “You’re good!”.
Thumbs Up & Down
This gesture needs no introduction. It is very commonly used by all of us. Thumbs up emoji is generally for saying ok or giving confirmation while thumbs down are for showing dislike or disapproval.
Waving Hand
It is a very classic gesture when you meet an old friend for quite a long time. Waving hands means “Hello” or “Goodbye” both. However, it is usually used for saying “Hi!”,
Writing Hand
This one is for indicating that you’re attentive and noting down the important points. Also, apparently this emoji can also be used for giving a commitment to write something.
Clapping Hands
This is the standard gesture for showing appreciation, motivation and giving applause. However, you can also make use of this emoji for showing ‘Slow Clap’ for lathing and sarcasm.
Vulcan Salute
You can see this type of blessing in a Jewish Gesture which is a symbolic victory sign. It can also be used while talking about the Interstellar journey and alien life.
Hand Gesture With Fingers Wide Open
It can be taken as the alternative to waving hand emoji. It is good to use for saying hi! to someone or you can send this to indicate number 5 as well.
Open Hands
This is mostly used as a welcome gesture. It is also a symbol of boldness and honesty. You can also use it as a symbol of a hug invitation.
Open Joint Palms
It is the most common gesture for praying to God, especially those who follow Islam. Apart from this, it also depicts to read something like a book. Sometimes, it can also be used to blame your destiny showing the faulty lines in your hands.
Join Hands
According to Eastern Culture, it is a gesture for Hello! (Namastey!). It is used for showing gratitude and respect to others. Sometimes, it is also used in a sarcastic way. Just like open joint palms, it is also a gesture for prayer to God. In the western world, it is used as a hi-five.
Handshake Gesture
It is the common gesture turned into an emoji for showing agreement and friendship. Handshake indicates allies between the two parties or friends.
Symbol of Foot
It is an emoji that you can throw to someone whom you don’t want to talk anymore or a sign of kick to show disagreement. This is a common emoji for both men and women.
Well, it is all clear from the name that this emoji is the shadow of foot emoji which is used whenever you want to write “Footprints” or something of similar meaning.
Phases of Moon Emoji Meaning
Moon emoji is quite popular. It shows different segments of the moon that add more expression to your text, conversations, and stories. We have made a list of all the major and popularly used Moon Emoji. Take a look –
Full Moon Emoji
This emoji shows the full moon day. At this stage, Moon lies in a complete circle shape enlighting the whole world.
Half Moon Emoji
It is the post waxing crescent phase where half of the potion is lighted while the remaining half of the portion is dark. It is also called First Quarter Moon Emoji.
Last Quarter Moon Emoji
In this emoji, half of the Moon is lighted and the second half of the portion is dark. The lighted portion is seen from Waning Gibbous Phase.
Waning Crescent Moon
In this phase, the moon looks like a crescent where only a small portion is lighted and the rest of the portion remains dark. The size of the crescent decreases with each passing day.
Waning Gibbous Moon
In this phase, the lit side of the moon covers more than half a portion of the moon. This lit portion decreases with each passing day.
Waxing Crescent Moon
It is the opposite gesture of Waning Crescent Moon where the lighted portion is one-fourth of the whole Moon and the remaining portion is dark. In this phase of the Moon, the size of the Crescent increases with each passing day.
Waxing Gibbous Moon Emoji
It is the opposite gesture of Waning Gibbous Moon where the lighted portion one-third of the whole Moon and the remaining portion is dark. In this phase of the Moon, the size of the Crescent increases with each passing day.
New Moon
It is the emoji to indicate a completely dark night when the Moon is completely dark and can’t be seen in the sky.
Crescent Moon Emoji
The crescent Moon Emoji shows the phase of the Moon somewhere in between New Moon and Full Moon.
Zodiac Emoji Meaning
These are rarely used emojis because probably not all of us are aware that there are such emojis as well. These Astrological emojis carrying zodiac Signs are quite useful when you want to express something superficial or optimism.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Aries which represents Ram.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Taurus which represents Bull.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Gemini which represents Twins.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Cancer which represents Crab.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Leo which represents Lion.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Virgo which represents Maiden.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Libra which represents Weighing Scales.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Scorpio which represents Scorpion.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Sagittarius which represents Archer.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Capricon which represents Goat.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Aquarius which represents Water-Bear.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Pieces which represents Fish.
According to Hindu Mythology, out of all the zodiac signs, this indicates Ophiuchus which represents Serpent Bearer.
Religious Symbol Emojis
All around the world, there is a lot of religious practices and beliefs, and so they worship different Gods and believe in religious symbols. Let us understand what these religious emoji mean.
Yin Yang
It is a Chinese religious symbol that indicates that opposite forces are actually interconnected. Basically, it symbolizes that there always exists 2 opposite forces like water and fire, Sun and Moon,
A Star With a Dot the Middle
It is called a star of David which is of great significance for Judaism culture.
Wheel of Dharma
It is a Buddhists Concept where the wheel indicates the principles of Gautam Buddha. It is of huge importance as related from the Vedic period.