10 Best Story Saver Apps for Instagram (Android/iOS)

Instagram today is the most loved social networking platform, where you can find anyone from a teenager to senior citizen. Earlier than Instagram, this position was held by Facebook. Although Instagram is a product of Facebook, it has many new engrossing features compared to it. One such appealing feature of Instagram is posting 24-hours stories. 

These stories can be seen, commented and replied to but can’t be downloaded directly from the Instagram App. If you want to download Instagram stories of your followers and following, you should have a good Story Saver for Instagram on your smartphone. If you’re looking for such an App, go through this list of 10 Best Story Saver Apps For Instagram.

Best Instagram Story Saver Apps for Android/iOS


The best part of using an Android smartphone is the ocean of apps for various purposes. When it comes to Story Saver Apps, there’s no lack of it. Here are some of the best Instagram Story Saver Apps for Android.

FastSave For Instagram

This app, so far, has been downloaded by more than 10 Million Instagram users. It’s a free App featured with the ability to download Instagram photos and videos in no time, as you see the name itself gives you an idea about its functionality. This Story saver app allows you to save multiple photos and videos at a time. And it’s huge plus point is its fast downloading speed. 

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Video Downloader for Instagram

Be it any of your Instagram post or videos you like on IGTV, This Story Saver App For Instagram makes your work easy. This app not just downloads all your Insta post but also copy the hashtags and caption. What’s more, it’s fast, free, and speedy!

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Story Saver for Instagram by YOBA

This Insta Story Saver enables you to download and keep any Instagram Story offline in just 3 simple steps. All that you need to do is, Sign in to your Instagram account, select the post or story you want to download, and hit the download button to get it right on your phone gallery. As simple as that! Please note that this app has no affiliation with the official Instagram App in any manner.

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Story Saver For Instagram – Story Assistant

This is another Story Saver for Instagram, which is easy and a free tool to get your follower’s stories offline so that you can repost them later. For people having a Mulitple Instagram account, can bookmark that one particular account that they use most frequently. In-all, it has all the expected feature which makes it a good Instagram Story manager.

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Recommended – Best Sassy Instagram Captions & Quotes

Story Saver by One Tap labs

Saving Instagram stories are now easy with this Instagram Story saver application. Browse, play, save and download Insta stories in just a few taps with the help of this App. The layout of the App is very easy and intuitive that anyone can make hassle-free use of it. It’s a very lightweight app that can fit on even low-storage Android devices and supports Android OS later than 4.0.

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StorySave For Instagram by Liam Cottle

Besides a Story saver, it also supports IGTV videos to get it downloaded offline on your device storage so that you can watch them even offline. It’ll just take a moment of time to save Instagram Stories and everything you wish to.

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StorySaver+ by Abhinandan Chakraborty

Abhinandan Chakraborty has designed this App to make use of Instagram a breeze. Apart from saving the Instagram story, this app can do a lot more thing for you. StorySaver+ enables you to view any story of your follower anonymously, create Carousel Post, stream live anonymously, and much more. Plus, it has built-in gallery viewer for die-hard Instagramer. 

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Highlight Story Saver For Instagram

It’s needless to say that the app saves Photos, Videos, and Stories for Instagram but apart from that, you can do a lot more fun things with this App. This app lets you save any Instagram profile photo including people whom you follow or those who follow you. Plus, when you see the story posted by any of your Instagram followers, you can view it without letting the person know. Not just that, this is the app is also preferred by many Instagrammers because it provides for creating a list of favorites. 

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Instagram Story Saver Apps For iPhone

No doubt that Android is quite a versatile operating system but there are Story saver apps for iPhone users as well. Though limited options are there they can’t be deprived of saving Instagram stories. Take a look at the two most widely used Instagram Story Savers for iPhone.

Repost Story For Instagram

The App is designed for users who want to download and save Photos, Videos, Profile Pictures, and Stories from Instagram. The best thing is, the quality of images and videos remains intact here. You can even save stories and posts of Insta users whom you don’t follow. The App supports to log in as many accounts as you want and is extremely fast to use.

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Ins Story repost for Instagram

Last in order but not in importance, our final App for saving Instagram stories is ‘Ins Story Repost for Instagram’. This App is the bliss for all those who want to take little effort but like to make the best use of the Instagram App. It’s a free app that won’t take much of the storage space on your iPhone. Likewise all the Apps above, this App too can save photos, videos, and stories of any Insta account. You just need to enter the username in the search bar and the app will do the rest of the job.

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