You might have seen players in PUBG mobile having a fancy symbol in their name. They usually add these symbols in between their clan name. You can also add these cool PUBG mobile symbols in your username to make it look more attractive.
Not all special character are supported in PUBG Mobile, very few of them are supported. So I have compiled the list of all symbols and special characters which are supported by PUBG mobile. You can simply copy these symbols and paste it in PUBG rename field.
Table of Contents ツ |
么 |
〆 |
ッ |
彡 |
々 |
乛 |
乄 |
īlī |
ム |
× |
ॐ |
Ł |
٭ |
私 |
乡 |
私 |
の |
王 |
女 |
丶 |
ズ |
刁 |
Ø |
ジ |
ɧ |
く |
乇 |
ゞ |
『』 |
・ |
「」 |
卍 |
文 |
《 |
》 |
爪 |
ʚ |
乇 |
๛ |
气 |
Ð |
个 |
연 |
シ |
乙 |
๖ |
ム |
乇 |
ūōōōō |
a͜͡ A͜͡ b͜͡ B͜͡ c͜͡ C͜͡ d͜͡ D͜͡ e͜͡ E͜͡ f͜͡ F͜͡ g͜͡ G͜͡ h͜͡ H͜͡ i͜͡ I͜͡ j͜͡ J͜͡ k͜͡ K͜͡ l͜͡ L͜͡ m͜͡ M͜͡ n͜͡ N͜͡ o͜͡ O͜͡ p͜͡ P͜͡ q͜͡ Q͜͡ r͜͡ R͜͡ s͜͡ S͜͡ t͜͡ T͜͡ u͜͡ U͜͡ v͜͡ V͜͡ w͜͡ W͜͡ x͜͡ X͜͡ y͜͡ Y͜͡ z͜͡ Z͜͡
PUBG Mobile Symbols Description
ūōōōō – This one makes your name invisible
々 – Mortal’s Symbol
乄 – Kronton’s Symbol
īlī – Dynamo Gaming Symbol
How to Get ID Card (Rename Card)
In order to change your name, you need an ID card. You can get this ID card for 180 UC from Shop -> Treasure section in PUBG mobile. Check this guide to get ID in PUBG mobile for Free.
But there is also one way to get a free ID card. You can go to achievement -> progressive mission section. Here you will get an ID card in mission 10. To get the ID card you have to complete all the missions from 1 to 9.
The missions is really simple you can easily complete them.
You can also get an ID card by participating in crew challenges. Just participate in crew challenges with your crew and collect crew points. You need 200 crew points to get the ID card.
Once you got 200 crew points you can visit the shop in crew section and buy the rename card.
How to Use Symbols in Username?
- Now once you got the rename card, tap the ID card and select use.
- You will get an option to enter your new username.
- You can copy the above symbols and paste it in the rename field.
- You can add your clan name first then the symbol and at last your name tag.
- Tap Ok and now you have a cool PUBG mobile username.
Make sure to bookmark this page as I’ll keep adding new symbols/special characters which are supported by PUBG mobile.
Best PUBG Names Ideas For Girls & Boys
There is no doubt that PUBG is the most played game of the year 2018 and this year too, it is gaining enough popularity among Mobile game lovers. You won’t believe that around 30 Million users all over the world play PUBG daily. Well, unlike our society, PUBG receives no gender discrimination. It is equally loved by all, no matter a girl or a boy. PUBG fans keep the crazy, sassy, and cool name as their username. Everyone wants to give their PUBG profile a stylish name to stand out among others. If you too want to put some awesome PUBG Names like “Cute Killer” or “Sanskari Chora”, go through this list of Best PUBG Names Ideas For Girls & Boys.
- Cħąɭo’cħoʀo-ƴąąʀ Moħąɓąţ Jħųţ’ħąɩ
- Dʌʀĸ Pʀɩŋcɘ
- Tʜɘ Ɱʌstɘʀ Mʌʆɩʌ
- Cʋp’Cʌĸə
- Aɓŋoʀɱʌɭ Vɩʛoʀ
- Coɱpɭɘx Sɭʌƴɘʀs
- Fʌŋʌtɩcʌɭ Tƴʀʌŋŋƴ
- Gɩɓɓɭɘt Pʌŋtʜɘʀ
- Bʀoĸəŋ’Aŋʛəɭ
- Nʋttƴ Doɱɩŋʌtɩoŋ
- Tɘʌʀʆʋɭ Dɘʌɗɭƴ
- Spɩɗɘʀɱʌŋ
- Stʋpɘŋɗoʋs Kŋɩʛʜts
- Lɘʆt Dɩvɩɗɘ
- Hʋŋʛʀƴ Aɗɱɩʀʌɭs
- Scʌʀcɘ Eŋɘɱƴ
- sυραяι кιℓℓεя
- ʆɩʀɘʆɭƴ
- Ʈhuʛ Ḷıƒe
- Oʋtʀʌʛɘoʋs Doɱɩŋʌŋcɘ
- Bʀʋtʌɭ Kɩɭɭɘʀ
- Cɭoʋɗƴ Pɘʀpɘtʀʌtoʀ
- Rɘʛʋɭʌʀ Dɩscɩpɭɩŋɘ
- Iиԁїди Kиїҩнт
- Fʌʋɭtƴ Dɘvɩɭs
- Dɘstʋctɩvɘvɩʀʋs
- Dɩʑʑƴ Iʀʀɘsɩstɩɓɭɘ
- Kїиҩ Kнди
- Pɭʌɩŋ Pʀɩvɩɭɘʛɘ
- Foʌɱƴ Gʌŋʛ
- Mƴstɘʀɩoʋs
- Nɘw Exɩɭɘ
- Pʋɓʛɩʌŋ
- Pʋʀʀɩŋʛ Coɘʀcɩoŋ
- Marĸ Zucĸeʀʙeʀʛ
- TʀɩŋɩtƴWʌʀʀɩoʀ
- Lƴʀɩcʌɭ Aʀɱɘɗ Sɘʀvɩcɘs
- Fʋʀƴ Rʌvɘŋ
- Cʜɩcĸɘŋɭovɘʀ
- Vɩxɘŋ Gʀʋɱpƴ
- Mɘɗɩcʌɭ Rɘɓɘɭs
- Nʌlʌyʌk Lʌðkʌ
- Həʌɽtləss Ʌlcoholıc
- Kɩŋʛ Oʆ ĸɩŋʛs
- Рэяғэст Ѕмөкэя
- joĸɘʀ
- Cʜåɽɱıŋʛ Pẘīŋcē
- Fʌʋɭtƴ Dɘvɩɭs
- Pʋɓʛstʀɩĸɘʀ
- Kɩŋʛsɭʌƴɘʀ
- Coɱpɭɘx Sɭʌƴɘʀs
- Kŋowŋ Wʌʀʆʌʀɘ
- Oɓsɘʀvʌŋt Foʀcɘ
- Kʀʋstƴ Dɘɱoŋ
- ɗʌʀɘɗɘvɩɭ
- Mɩʛʜtƴ Mʌʆɩʌ
- Soɱĸɩŋ Gʜɘtto
- Psƴcʜɘɗɘɭɩc Sɘʀvɩcɘɱɘŋ
- Hoɱɘɭƴ Sʜʌʀpsʜootɘʀs
- Gʀɩɘvɩŋʛ Bʋtcʜɘʀs
- BʌɗTäɱêêʑ Lʌʆʋŋtɘʀ Cʜõĸʀá
- Sɭʌʋʛʜtɘʀ ĸɩŋʛ
- Aɭoŋɘ ɭovɘʀТђє Ғїԍђтєя
- Kɩɭɭsʜot
- Aʛɘŋt47
- Zɘʌɭoʋs Sqʋʌɗ
- Cʋt-Gɩʀɭ Kʌ Cʀʌʑƴ Lovɘʀ
- Cʜʋłɓʋłıı Cʜøʀıı
- Mɩɭɩtʌʀɩstɩc Fɩʛʜtɩŋʛ Mʌcʜɩŋɘ
- Rʋɗɗƴ Extɘʀɱɩŋʌtoʀs
- Gɭɩstɘŋɩŋʛ Pʀɘstɩʛɘ
- ʀɩppɘʀ
- Bʀʌŋɗɘɗ Kʌɱɘɘŋʌ
- Sтүгїѕн яөииү
- Hoɱɘɭƴ Sʜʌʀpsʜootɘʀs
- Tʜʋʛ Oŋ Loosɘ
- Cʜατρατıı Κυδıı
- Bệɭʌ Oŋ-Fıʀệ
- Cooɭ Lʌʋŋɗʌ
- Cʜʌtpʌtıı Kʋɗıı
- Fāɖɖēʙazz
Funny PUBG Names Ideas
There are rare PUBG profiles with original name otherwise all the young lads and babes love to keep cool and funny names to their PUBG account. The reason is simple, everyone wants to have some “FUN” in life. If you too are looking for funny PUBG names ideas, you are at the right place. We have made the list of funny PUBG Names which are rib-tickling and won’t let anyone forget it.
- TʌŋɗooʀɩCʜɩcĸɘŋ
- SɭʌʋʛʜtɘʀBot
- FɩvɘSɘcoŋɗsOʆWɩŋtɘʀ
- Mʌʀɘŋɗʀʌ Noɗɩ
- MʀHʌɭʆʌDoɭɭʌʀ
- slayer_69
- RɩcɘGʋɱ
- ƴɭɩɘ Mƴʀʋs
- MɩɗAʛɘCʀɩsɩs
- MʌʀɩoIsBɘttɘʀ
- FʌʑɘBʌŋĸs
- IŋɗɩʌŋBʋtcʜɘʀ
- Pʀɘ Mʌɭoŋɘ
- Dʀʋŋĸ Vɘɭocɩʀʌptoʀ
- Hʋɱɓɭɘ Fɭɘxɘʀ
- M4 Jʋstɩcɘ
- Cɭoʋt cʜʌsɘʀ
- Bʀʋtʌɭ Bɭoĸɘ
- ŋαʋʛʜtч ĸʋɗı
- Tʜʌŋos Tɩwʌʀɩ
- VɘʛʌŋMɘʌt
- BEAT_THE_meat
- MILF_Slayer
- Extʀʌtɘʀʀɘstʀɩʌɭ Dʀƴʌɗ
- I love SEX 69
- SɩʀSʌvʌʛɘtʜɘ21st
PUBG Clan Names Ideas
If you have ever played PUBG, you must be knowing that PUBG game players can build their own Clan and can also join others Clan. You Clan name should be attractive, funky, and a little different from everyone else. To do so, you can add the name of some famous personality or choose a name with your place or anything which sounds appealing that people join your Clan. We have some awesome PUBG Clan name ideas which you would love to give your new PUBG Clan.
- Lyrical Armed Services
- Fʋʑʑƴ Pʌcĸ
- Fɘʌʀ Bʋtcʜɘʀs
- Mɩɭɩtʌʀɩstɩc Fɩʛʜtɩŋʛ Mʌcʜɩŋɘ
- Psƴcʜɘɗɘɭɩc Sɘʀvɩcɘɱɘŋ
- Soul society
- Oʋtʀʌʛɘoʋs Doɱɩŋʌŋcɘ
- Aɓŋoʀɱʌɭ Vɩʛoʀ
- Coɱpɭɘx Sɭʌƴɘʀs
- The Espadas
- Dɘɱoŋɩc Cʀɩɱɩŋʌɭs
- Faulty Devils
- Hoɱɘly Sʜʌʀpsʜootɘʀs
- Iŋɩɱɩcʌɭ Tʜʋʛs
- Akatsuki
- Moʀtɩʆɩɘɗ Coɘʀcɩoŋ
- Stʀʌɩʛʜt Gʌŋʛstɘʀs
- Nutty_Domination
- Optɩɱʌɭ Acɘs
- BRASH _Thugs
- Kɘɘŋ Tɘʌɱ Sɩx
PUBG Crew Names Ideas
Similar to Clan, there is also an option creating your own Crew in PUBG game. Crew means your army or gang, you can say. You can chat and discuss anything with your crew while playing PUBG. The list of PUBG Crew names ideas that are given here are simply out of the box and give you all types of choices from “Action Swagers” to “The Smashers”.
- Hatela
- Do You Bleed
- Equalizers
- Dragon_Slayers
- Z Warriors
- Hipster club
- Homunculus
- Triston Valley
- Tate No Yuusha
- Seal Team 6
- Murderous Weebs
- The Annihilators
- ReDeath
- Heroes Of Holy Weapons
- FebDeck
- Phantom Troupe
- Bolt Swap
- Recon Corps
- Beast Tamers
Popular PUBG Player Usernames
You rarely see anyone keeping his or her original name as a PUBG username because players always want to display themselves with a game name. For this, PUBG players choose something unique and different as their PUBG username. If you too want to replace your PUBG username with a new one which is equally cool and stylish, go through the list we have given. You will surely get the best options for popular PUBG player usernames. You can customize these names with special characters and symbols.
- chocoTaco
- Shroud
- Halifax
- Swagger
- Danucd
- Just9n
- Chad
- Ashek
- Viss
- Vikkstar123
- Deadmau5
- Smacetron
- BreaK
- Sluggero
- OfficialAndyPyro
Read – 500+ Best PUBG Names Ideas (Unique Names)
PUBG Fancy Names Generator
A simple name looks attractive if written with style. There is a lot of PUBG fancy names generator available online which you can try. You just need to enter your name in the online tool below and it will give you a couple of fancy username choices. You can just copy and paste them wherever you want to use them. These names can even customize making use of special characters, emoji, and attractive symbols.
I want like this 「m͜͡bw」but something change not ‘m’ I want ‘N’ (nbw) plzz make it..
Here n͜͡bw
can you please flip this icon into left side
How to get the circle
Sir i badly need a name for my squad
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on XT of EXTINCTION plzzz
Pls put around IvY
help please put this ͜͜͜͡ on VIpeR
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on RO of ROYAL plzzz
Hey I want this ͜͜͜͡ on iS in my clan name RiSE.. pls help me out
I want to change like to Remove m 「m͜͡Ex」but I can’t changed😓
Please sir kindly make it for me☺️
Can anybody change my usename “bendi”
Pease can yu write ABC up to Z
Like you make symbol
a͜͡ A͜͡ b͜͡ B͜͡ c͜͡ C͜͡ d͜͡ D͜͡ e͜͡ E͜͡ f͜͡ F͜͡ g͜͡ G͜͡ h͜͡ H͜͡ i͜͡ I͜͡ j͜͡ J͜͡ k͜͡ K͜͡ l͜͡ L͜͡ m͜͡ M͜͡ n͜͡ N͜͡ o͜͡ O͜͡ p͜͡ P͜͡ q͜͡ Q͜͡ r͜͡ R͜͡ s͜͡ S͜͡ t͜͡ T͜͡ u͜͡ U͜͡ v͜͡ V͜͡ w͜͡ W͜͡ x͜͡ X͜͡ y͜͡ Y͜͡ z͜͡ Z͜͡
i want this ͜͜͜͡ on Middle of Poppu
please help me anybody
Bro give me your contact number i nnwd help i camt type name here it becomes mispelled
Thank You 😚
Will u suggezt me a good symbols with clan name FEAR and my name was OneShot. Please…
FEAR ム OneShot
Any good clan names bro suggest me… Like Telugu Warriors.. tw clan like this i want
if you want symbols new name so tell me i make but my fees😄
Ushshshsnabbakai ca naacsh
Can you please help me as well.. I want to do like this m͜͡bw on both the names.. Please help
Ha͜͡ppy Sin͜͡gh
how u make this symbol like this plz tel me
sir canu make the same same circle but with bigger size pls
How can I put 69 in this sympol ͜͜͜͡ please reply?
can put ͜͜͜͡ at PI plss
Plz make mine name is MATRiX
Can You Please Tell Me How Can Add This 。 Instead Of ・ I Want My Name Mr. Sahil But . Is Not Accepted By PUBG, I Have Seen Many They Use This Symbol(。) In Their Name But My Can’t Work Help Me Please🙏🏾
Hey bro can you help me GF with circle pls 🙁
Please Can u flip this ツ the other way
Can you provide me with lks instead of n͜͡bw
Plz make mine name is MATRiX
How can i get the right ʕتʔ in my name
Please someone make a circle around A T in M A T E E N
Please someone make a circle around a r in Dark DʌʀkWʌʀʀɩoʀ
“Star lord” please
best website ever.
YaaR Koe Mujhy. Rj_Bhutto stylish me likh k dega usko 32 uc doonga
E’ coma or E ke bich me no space plz
Try to copy the name of top players which has a similar symbol in it. And edit it with your name
How do you get the circle? also can someone reply to my comment with the circle on the “o” of Shock because i want a username that’s Shock but the “o” has the circle.
it says invalid character or words.. i cannot add any symbol
HELP I NEED this ͜͜͜͡ on ÐYN !!!
HELP I NEED this ͜͜͜͡ on ÐYN !!! Exactly on the letter Ð So it’s in the middle of the 3 letters
Who can modify my name pliz Edquake Nap
Mr abbasi
INSANE Sukha change it
It’s not working
plz put this ͜͜͜͡ in my name naseebo
Bro i need casetoo symbol plzzzzz find and give me
This is the symbol of casetoo
͜͜͜͡ put this on ll on killua
Help me plz
n͜͡ bw
Can somebody put the name Mistic in these brackets sa͜͡ʀoz
How can I get circle like this m͜͡ ?
International phonetic alphabet
(((ipa chart)))
Keyboard setting
Language setting
Add language
Choose – International phonetic alphabet
And select when you need ͜͡͡
Change my name in this type of font —-. CHOTA KALIYA
How to get in ios
I need these symbol in DOOMSDAY. I need for one of the O. Please make it quik thanks.
Put this name RAAVAN LIKE YOURS : VニE・N・OニM
Plz put Lightning name instead of this name in that symbol Sha͜͡dow
The thing is I don’t have pc. For god’s sake can you make me EG like that N͜͡
Thanks man will really appreciate it! ✊
Thankyu so much
I want this type m͜͡bw …. Iam pls do somthing
C12 | RaßßÏt
How to write name like abu
Abu please writE DRANZERØP
but how you do that?? the A and E ???
Neee aa punjabi clan name
Give me stylish name for Utkarsh
Like this app
What is name for app
No app is been used, you can directly copy and paste the symbols
Bro add this symbol in list :- 丨
It is the symbol which is used by dynamo and name is look like this :- H¥DRA丨DYNAMO
Bro please add this symbol in list …..
“Star lord” please
How it looks like…. Can any one tell me…
can someone write me JA͜͡G but symbol cannot move on JA please some fix it ..ty
JW please make
Can you please put that symbol over a and w in GAWDx
Can you do it in
Nidhi. J͜͡A this symbol on dh plzzz
And make it small DH in small.size plz
Here J͜͡AG
Please can you make ApK for me, but this symbol ͜͜͜͡ on P… Like A ͜͜͜͡pK… This symbol shluld be exact on “p”
On this plz
Do this for me plzzz on zoey
Plz make a circle symbols for a7x
How do u get the circle on it what website
CAN ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴠᴇ
ᴠᴀ ɪɴ
ɪᴛ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴜs ғᴏɴᴛ ᴏɴʟʏ sᴏ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ғʀᴏᴍ ʜᴇʀᴇ
Dexter please do it in – Redefine
Plzz make mine biro Name – MATRiX between A&T
To those who want this symbol ͜͜͜͡ here it is and enjoy
Can you put this symbol on these two o’s ? 🙂
Hey so ͜͜͜͡ can I get that symbol over S0 ͜͜͜͡
Thanks alot
Please make me an name like ͜͜͜͡ Vibe inside The V
Can u make MEOW 9͜͡ɴ put like that on EO ty so much
I need GOD name with any grt smbl for my clan
Hey can u put ( i ) in the middle of this symbol ͜͜͜͡
Can anyone write savage inside the circle and the circle should above v and a of savage
I want name just9n but I want n͜͡ b this simbol on 9n
Bro i want SVG in that please
Please Yeh Symbol NM per dal do
Please i want m͜͡bw this circle in BLOOD SOUL in staring of blood ? Or bl please
Make it n͜͡ bw to PP in sam style please
Please someone help me put this ͜͜͜͡ on co of Scottt
My pubg style name
Can you please change this name to
Amair to
٭ Uzi٭
m͜͡bw i want saroj s and a under bracket
I want “od” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone
make h in that symbole
make h in that symbol
Please put F͜͡ SYMBOL ON FF AND MM
Sha͜͡dow Please do like this to me also Abiz
I want “Zeus” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone
I wanna write [2%] SINGH please write it in stylish look
Can you get just the bottom half of ͜͜͜͡ ?
Of course.
Wha͡t yo͜u wan͜͡t writ̪͡
I want ED pls help me
bro i need the upper part of this symbol plz help me ͜͜͜͡
Hlw sir
I want R in that symbole
Plz add this symbol QUeen round wala
help MT
Please mara I’d paa sal doo aaa name ꪶ࿋྄ིᤢꫂBαppi I’d number 5570706320
Bro can uh give moke symbol like thisꪶ࿋྄ིᤢꫂ
m͜͡bw i wan under box sa full name is saroz
Can you write a letter for me 『TNT』
hey plzz help can anyone write EXTINCTION where this ͜͜͜͡ should be on XT
Plzz help
International phonetic alphabet
(((ipa chart)))
Keyboard setting
Language setting
Add language
Choose – International phonetic alphabet
And select when you need
Help me with kaffff circle on af
I need ED N͜͡ pls
ScarFall – The Royal Combat is also a nice name
Got my username from here ‘KILLER乡SVR’
Thanks bhai
Please help me for get my nickname with symbols. Nickname: Kavkazech
How i can put ( ☬ ) this symbol in my name i tried to copy paste but it didn’t worked is there anyway we can use it please let me know thx
Find from top players.
And copy paste
͜͜͜͡ put this on DC 🙏
Yr mainu vi milli nhi koi id khande symbol vali
Agar veere tenu labhi ta pubg id ohdi paste kardi je mainu labhi ta mein kardu
If you have already tried copy pasting it then it is not supported.
Can you put this symbol on these two o’s ?
Hi would love to get S0 in this ͜͜͜͡ symbol thanks. ͜͜͜͡
BAX ͜͜͜͡AN
I want to move A to center of this two arc
Stylish name for “King”
Can anyone please put this ͜͜͜͡ on the double O in the word ROOSTER capital letter please..
I want some “trident” symbol, i see sometime, but just cant find it on internet
Guys can you suggest me a good unique symbol for GMD Katiya.
CH ͜͜͜͡
I couldn’t get the page to work on my iPad5. Could you do something fancy with…
Major Kalhoun
hey plzz help can anyone write Leo where this ͜͜͜͡ should be on eo
Plzz help
Can u please put it on UN
When I am trying to add symbols, it says “name cannot exceed 14 characters” and my name doesn’t exceed over 14 characters , plz fix!!
When I am trying to add symbols, it says “name cannot exceed 14 characters” and my name doesn’t exceed over 14 characters , plz fix!!
「n͜͡bw」make it on Devil plz
H ͜͜͜͡ awkEye
Please put this on ‘a’
Can u please put it on UN
someone could give a “V” in the middle of this
Full name > SPRVY
Ha͜͡w can any one please paste the symbol which is on aw on this name SHERY
Bro can u make it for Venom pls avian bro
Gender symbols plz
So I tried this nick:
but it would say that it shouldn’t exceed 14 characters. It’s less than 14 characters as far as I consider … so what could be wrong there?
? looks like EXACTLY 14 to me. extra space maybe?
Plz add circle on sh of SaKshi
Can u add circle on sh of SaKshi plz…
Add circle to Kh of SaKshi
I want “od” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone
I want “Zeus” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone
Can anyone help me with this ͜͡͡ea in the middle please
Wh ͜͡͡at y ͜͡͡ou wa ͜͡͡nt Re ͜͡͡e ea ͜͡͡ea
͜͡͡ea ͜͡͡ea ͜͡͡ea ͜͡͡ea
͜͡͡ae ͜͡͡ae ͜͡͡ae
Do the best for nastyshot please
Help me put ea in the middle please ͜͡͡ea ͜͡͡ea
Can any body write this ͜͡͡. circle sign on these two words ΞΞ
Pls give me 600uc ..pubg I’d – 5001605054699955
Someone put this on
DARK on the RK please
Also do it in none caps
Can any one add circle on (af) ? I want to write Kaffff and put circle on af. Plz help
this ͜͜͜͡ on CTz
Can someone put the circle symbol on cholo on the c and h thank youuu
Please write Smokers in different way..
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on of ‘no’ in “Venom” plzzz
Can you please do it for nastyshot😊😊😊
HM i want that symbol on it
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on INS Pls
͜͜͜͡ ᴀs help me to fix that as inside
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on BG
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on of ‘no’ in “Smoke” plzzz
͜͜͜͡ ᴀs help me to fix that as inside
Plz turn Sm͜͡͡oke this on ( Q ) pls
Plz Add These Brackets in Name OLAF Between L nd A Thanks
please add
thank you very much !
Pls Someone ͜͜͜͡ this place on ViLeNØP
Do it on eN plz
Can you do like this n͜͡bw on two names?) please
Can you Make this JUN͜͡ED on.. UN !!!!
I want to use this symbol
KILLÊR plz suggest me where to use
I want circle in A… DAD
Please help to put this ͜͜͜͡ on AY of AYANK please
I want Su inside this ͜͜͜͡
Could Could you please do it. Thanks in advance
Please someone help me put this ͜͜͜͡ on co of Scottt
Please someone help me put this ͜͜͜͡ on co of Scottt
Can u make MEOW 9͜͡ɴ put like that on EO ty so much
I want “ftw” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone PLEASE
I want “ftw” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone??
I want “ftw” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🙏
I want “ ๏๏ ” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🙏 MT
I want “ ea ” of the word “Bear” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🙏 MT
I want “ ea ” of the word “Bear” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me anyone PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🙏
please someone helpp😣😣
Please help me write.. PINK CANARY.. BEAUTIFULLY
『Ð๏t Matri父SロRO』
『Ð๏t Matri父SロRロN』
『Ð๏t Matri父S王NU』
Please write 69 like this W͜͡
s͜͡hot I want this symbol in Suriya
can you please add AR in this J͜͡A for me pleaseeee
no Bro i mean i want BA in it pleaseee
Can u give some cool symbols for DeVilKill
In which D &V will be caps
R͜͡O͜͡G͜͡ can you make it as one one ROG with one curves up and down only
i don’t create circle around ” A ”
help me plz
I wont BAS (circle around “A “)
In Amrit i want circle on m
Hey I want this ͜͜͜͡ on iS in my clan name RiSE.. please help me out
Hey I want this ͜͜͜͡ on iS in my clan name RiSE.. please anyone help me out
Can help put ͜͜͜͡ on Le
Ok please help to put ͜͜͜͡ on iS in RiSE
m͜͡bw can someone plzz help to add this symbols over (302)
i wan under box sa full name is Rajan
Anas Ansari
hello dear
need 「m͜͡b」style and write A1 plzz
n͜͡ like this symbol
‘A’ ‘M’
please make iT please
Z A K I A ♛
Kindly write King Maan like this
Bro please (victim) also write in this way
J͜͡A. RG Plz create this word.
I want “EX” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me MT sir
Can you do it for Memi? For it all to fit in?
I need GOD name with any grt smbl for my clan
I want BAAZIGAR “AZ” inside ͜͜͜͡ this symbol please do it for me MT sir
Can anyone flip this 〆 sign? I would be really really happy if you do so! 〆
Ok boomer
I want a unique name with Lupita ..
I tried every where couldn’t get the EG like that M͜͡G. I need those things on both letters EG.
Thanks guys 🙏
Hey can you please make this name ” Szarke ” stylish ,nd also add some unique symbols
Can you make Afg like this. L2͜͡k please
A͜͡fg A͜͡FG
ᴛɪ ͜͜͜͡ɢᴇʀ fixed it plzz
It won’t work properly. TI͜͡GER Ti͜͡GER Ti͜͡ger
I need a small help. Our new clan is being formed. We know that we can only use 14 characters for the game nam. We want to write Noob then put star symbol then our game alias. Any help would be helpful.
Hello I need this name. ๛Linz
But with the circle symbol over Linz Please
Can I get VR inside ͜͜͜͡ this please!
Hey! can I get this?
The same way, Normal font, but the “V” should be a “J”.
Can I please have ͜͜͜͡ on BARBI between AR
Please 🙁
Can I please have ͜͜͜͡ on BARBI and let AR be indside
It’s hard to say
M͜͡idas same symbol like in suriya
Can I get Suriya inside ͜͜͜͡ this please!
My I’d of PUBG lite is HUNTER么MIYÂ
ūSōHōIōVōA Why this name not available
I want my name have circle “SULTAN” … thank for help
How Can I Copy Paste My Teammate Name In TDM
Someone Help Me Please I Want My Name Mr. Sahil But Periods Are Not Accepted By PUBG And I have seen many who use this symbol( 。)insted of periods(.) But I Can’t Add between my name please help me😢🙏🏾
How To add(。) instead of this( ・)
@azreal Sh ͜͜͜͡o ck can you do that? but the o is lowercase and PERFECTLY inside, also the ck (lowercase) on the outside same for the sh but the S is capital and there is no small space outside of the “Circle”
after and before the circle, there is a space. I don’t want that
@mr sahil so you need to go to that player OR your friend’s profile, go to their name. IF their name has what you are looking for, copy it. Go to your rename card. Paste that person’s name. Then Change the rest!
IF anyone wants to send me uc, 5675356715
IF anyone wants to send me uc or a Good skin, 5675356715
WaV please
Can I get WaV inside ͜͜͜͡ this please!
Ha͜͡ppy Sin͜͡gh
͜͜͜͡ i want this in vi
Really Intresting! I’m beginning to improve this area. Thank you!
Content has long been master, seems the black hats are getting owned from the white hat profiteers.
I’ve been looking high and low, and it seems that most liberal arts schools are populated by heavy drinkers and partiers, which I am not interested in. If I can, I’d like to double major in creative writing and journalism.. Thank you!.
So I learned how to add a Facebook comment box to my Blogger site (with the help of a code from Facebook social plugins site), but the problem is, the same comments appear for each of my posts. It’s like a feature targeted as a comment box for the entire site, but is shown at every single post, which is stupid! How do you get to have Facebook comment box in Blogger but different comments for each post?.
How do I restore my computer to an earlier time when the “Restore” feature on my computer is not working. I have tried over a dozen times to restore my computer and I keep getting the error message “computer could not be restored to this date. No changes have been made. Try another date.” Try another date the same thing happens.. . All of my personal files were deleted from my computer and I want to get them back. Have no clue how this happened. Checked the recycle bin and none of them were there. It is as if they simply disappeared off my computer. Please help. Thank you!.
Where can I start a personal blog about anything & everything?
ᴛɪ ͜͜͜͡ɢᴇʀ Please convert this into this shaka
๏卄乇レレ๏ is this will work in pubg m?
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ on FIve M
Hey can someone please make this name ” WTF LEGEND ” stylish and also add some unique symbols for pubs mobile global.
R͜͡ØG͜͡ I want this together
hey plzz help put this ͜͜͜͡ in between ★MERCY★
Copy and paste:
a͜͡ A͜͡ b͜͡ B͜͡ c͜͡ C͜͡ d͜͡ D͜͡ e͜͡ E͜͡ f͜͡ F͜͡ g͜͡ G͜͡ h͜͡ H͜͡ i͜͡ I͜͡ j͜͡ J͜͡ k͜͡ K͜͡ l͜͡ L͜͡ m͜͡ M͜͡ n͜͡ N͜͡ o͜͡ O͜͡ p͜͡ P͜͡ q͜͡ Q͜͡ r͜͡ R͜͡ s͜͡ S͜͡ t͜͡ T͜͡ u͜͡ U͜͡ v͜͡ V͜͡ w͜͡ W͜͡ x͜͡ X͜͡ y͜͡ Y͜͡ z͜͡ Z͜͡
99% of everyone’s problems solved ❤️
Thanks 🙂
BIGFAN please
Please Bigfan
nqDixi with the “i”s like this i͜͡ i, on one and the other end of that thing. Super important, please
King of meldl
R͜͡O͜͡G͜͡ can you make it as one one ROG with one curves up and down only
Can you put ROG inside this ͜͜͜͡ please..
Fix it
Raajy king
Bro please (victim) also write in this way
͜͜͜͡ Royal
Y ke upar laga do plz
For you
Uchiha madara
name plzzzz
Please help me put this ͜͜͜͡ on the TGF put letter G please
Please help me put this ͜͜͜͡ on the TGF put that on letter G please
hey can u put this ͜͜͜͡ on my name
͜͜͜͡ i need just the upper bracket plz someone help me not tha bottom one . I need only the upper part of this symbol please help
JaLeBee I want all alphabets of this font
_卩ㄩㄥㄚ丂卄♔ Ҝㄩ乃ㄖ丨 _
this name could not paste to the id name
Prakash Junawa
Eska badiya pubg lite ke ley name bnao plz