The list is based on the opinion of the mobile developers of FreezeProSoftware, the company that has five-year experience in mobile app development.
1 – Sencha Touch :
Sencha Touch is an HTML5 framework for mobile app development. Sencha Touch scores highly against its competitors by providing a native look and feeling across all of the platforms it supports, including iOS, Android, and Blackberry. It allows creating applications with massive multiuser interfaces and great UX. Sencha Touch has a permanent support of the experienced Sencha team, and documents for any details are available for substantial enterprise applications, as well. Sencha Touch is easy to use and quite friendly. Likewise, it can be used in cooperation with Phone Gap, which allows producing applications with HTML or JavaScript yet saves its fully native look.
2 – Phone Gap :
Phone Gap framework is built on HTML5 that gives an opportunity for developers to create native apps using JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 itself. The best thing about this framework is that it can be used alongside with other frameworks, which allows using all the functions both frameworks provide you with. It only took a little time for Phone Gap and Sencha Touch to become the most frequently used platforms. Applications built using PhoneGap use a web view to render their content.
3 – jQuery Mobile :
jQuery Mobile is the easiest way to build sites and applications that are accessible on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop devices. This framework provides a set of touch-friendly UI widgets and an AJAX-powered navigation system to support animated page transitions. As well, you can find numerous templates for your applications in this framework, which eases the development. jQuery mobile has a lightweight code that is built with progressive enhancement. As well, it has a flexible and simple design.
4 – Titanium Appcelerator :
Titanium gives an opportunity to combine several platforms for application development. Therefore, applications built on Titanium are initially hybrid. This framework works as a bridge between mobile applications and API platform, which results in improved performance of an application. Titanium Appcelerator platform was created to ease the process of application development for web developers. Now this framework experiences a fast growth and about to reach its functional maximum.