Basketball fans have disappointing news! Streaming NBA Reddit is now no more available. It’s shut down. Reddit is one of the largest communities of basketball lovers having more than 4 Lakh subscribers. There are many other such communities like for Football, Soccer, and others.
But Alas! This community of NBA (National Basketball Association) has now shut down. Of course, there is nothing illegal or unethical in talking about basketball. The reason behind closing the community is that many of the basketball fans were sharing unreasonable and illegal links for NBA stream live on Reddit. This was the major reason that most of the people were subscribing to it because they wanted to watch live NBA stream live on Reddit and that too for free in all qualities from lowest of 144p to highest of 1080p.
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Know About NBA Stream Live on Reddit.

Reddit is a very popular live streaming website and a channel on the internet. Those who are listening to the term for the first time, let us tell you that Reddit is an online destination which provides you with all the paid and copyrighted stuff for watching your favorite sports. One such streaming community is the NBA. There were 4 Lakh active followers for whom basketball is love. Unluckily, it is now closed because members have started sharing the AceStream links where non-members can stream NBA matches for free.
AceStream can’t be stopped as it operates on a peer-to-peer basis so they have rooted out NBA subreddit community through which such links were used to share. If talking about the popularity of NBA stream, it is no less than in generating thousand of visitors like SoccerStreams.
Will The Streaming NBA Reddit Be Back?
It seems next to impossible that NBA subreddit community will ever bring back to life but it could be possible (And NBA lovers are very hopeful) that masterminds of NBA Reddit may come up with another place where all the links of NBA live matches will be shared soon. It is also rumored about the NBA, that makers have done all the preparation to launch such online community soon (Well, if that’s so, nothing could be better than this for basketball fans).
But it is not possible to immediately launch the new website because this is a hot topic and is under the radar of legal authorities. This time NBA steaming should maintain a high level of secrecy otherwise soon the new channel also has to face the ban. Well, it is not yet definite when the new subreddit community will going to be announced. So, the best idea is to keep some alternatives for streaming NBA Reddit. We have 2 best alternatives for you. Quickly head over to our next section.
Alternatives of Streaming NBA Reddit
You must have known the fact that streaming any copyrighted contents is an illegal thing in India and that’s the biggest reason why Streaming NBA Reddit is an outlaw. Well, now the question is how to watch NBA online for free? Guys, we have some alternatives for you. Try them.
Join Discord Channel For NBA Live Streaming Free
Those who don’t know, Discord is a chat application for free available both for mobile phones and computers. Just like Telegram, it has its web app as well, which you can access on any device, provided you should have an account with Discord. This web application enables you to share videos, photos, and links in real-time with other members of the channel. NBA Stream Live on Reddit might know the fact that soon they are going to shut down, so they have started a parallel channel on Discord.
This channel provides you with the forum for the discussion on any topic related to basketball. There is everything that a basketball lover wants to talk about. Although the channel displays the disclaimer message that there would not be any illegal or inappropriate streaming link, it provides such links. Whenever there is any match, a new channel is created before and after 30 minutes of the match. There you may find all types of links to watch NBA matches online for free.
Visit – A Free Live Sports Streams
Another superb destination for sports lovers is It’s a website that allows free streaming for all types of popular sports including Tennis, Cricket, Hockey, Football, Basketball, etc. This website always covers all the premier leagues of sports like Spanish League, Ice hockey, UEFA Champions League, Basketball with NBA, and much more. The quality of streaming it offers is also very high. Every stream has its own comment section, where the users can also post their links. The homepage of the website shows the live scores of the current match going on. You should have a flash player installed on your system for browser playbacks. You can also go for the installation of Sopcast software, for the sopcast streaming.
The best part about using is nobody would be able to track you. Likewise AceStreams, it makes use of peer-to-peer technology. From 480 pixel to 1080 pixels, you can watch any live match here. This site also gives you all the highlights of your favorite match.
It is no secret that streaming any content which is copyrighted or the broadcast authority lies in a single hand, is absolutely illegal. But Reddit takes the risk to keep the NBA streaming viewers happy. We have listed here the 2 best alternatives for watching NBA Stream live on Reddit through other platforms.
However, please note that while accessing the internet for visiting the above-suggested site, you should make use of a VPN so that you can browse and enjoy anonymously over the web. VPN hides your identity and no one could ever be able to track you. Through VPN, you can also access blocked websites.
Hopefully, you would enjoy watching Basketball live matches without fail.
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Will update soon with a new discord channel